Monday, 18 August 2014

Sixth Form.

 Sixth Form.
The most stressful source of education.

When you are attending school you have to balance out your time nicely so you have a fair amount of time for homework, family time, friend time, hobby time and time for yourself. 
However, things are little different when you are attending sixth form. You have to make time for your homework, your revision, your research on different university's or apprenticeships, filling out your UCAS profile and completing your personal statement to go onto your UCAS profile.
This means you have no time for family, friends, hobbies or yourself.

Having a social life is completely out of the question if you don't want to fail.

I laugh at all of the year 11's who think sixth form is great because really it is a big load of stress.
I have put together some statements that year 11's might say (or year 11 Becca might say) about sixth form, and corrected the statements.

Sixth Form
You get free periods to chill on your phones and hang out with friends.
No. You get study periods. Not free periods. This means you do work during those periods. Chilling, going on your phone or hanging out with friends are definitely out of the question.

You are studying your favourite subjects and not the ones you hate.
Give it a week and you'll start hating your favourite subjects too. Trust me.

You get to leave school whenever you want.
No you don't. You get to leave school once a week. For an hour. During the first hour of school or the last hour. But not during school hours. Don't be silly.

We're basically the top of the school so no one can be rude to us.
Ha. Try telling that to the younger years. They don't care who you are. They'll still be as rude and disrespectful to you as they are to everyone.

We get to wear our own clothes. 
 Ha. Not anymore. (My school have changed the clothing of the sixth form from casual to business wear)

We'll be treated as adults by all the teachers.
 Welcome to Sixth Form Year 11's...welcome to Sixth Form.
Don't say I didn't warn you.

Even though sixth form is really stressful and a lot of hard work, it is very helpful. It's helpful when applying to university but it's also helpful by boosting your confidence and discovering new skills that you probably didn't even know you had.
If you are currently deciding whether to attend sixth form or college, I would definitely choose sixth form. Especially if you don't know what you want to do with your life. I think college is for people who know what they want to do as a career, where as sixth form is for people who don't know what they want as a career and it helps you decide.

If you are joining sixth form in September you need to know that it's not easy. The transition between year 11 and year 12 is harsh. But you'll get over that in a years time. Time goes so quickly so you have to use your time wisely. Don't slack, don't be annoying, work as hard as you can, and do what is expected of you. If you follow this advice I'm sure you won't fail, and you'll enjoy yourself a little more. Just a little. Not a lot.


I'm Back?!

I guess you could say I'm back. But probably not for very long. I'm not very good at this blogging thing. I'm that person that will start something and get bored and never finish it. But I am making a change...lets hope this is a permanent change.

So, where have I been?

Somewhere nice? No.
Somewhere fun? No.
Somewhere relaxing? 100% no.

I've been at school, and at home. So the last time I posted a blog was in April and since then I have turned 17, I have taken my AS Level exams, I have finished Year 12 and moved onto Year 13, I have been on my summer holidays and I have recently received my results back from my AS exams.
So It's fair to say I've been quite busy (and stressed).

I wanted to start this blog up again, but I always struggle with thinking of new interesting content.
I just wanted to inform you of what I've been doing and just letting you all know that I am still alive and well

I'm probably going to be posting a lot about results and sixth form, so if you are becoming a Year 12 student, look out for those posts. I'm still on my summer holidays so hopefully I will be posting more regularly than I have been.

I'm going to go.

See you soon.