Monday, 7 April 2014

My Nan's Birthday Meal.

It's my Nan's 70th birthday today, and I can honestly say she looks great for a 70 year old.
I would show you a picture but I don't know whether she would appreciate me doing I won't.
Yesterday, my mum's side of the family went out to dinner to celebrate Nan turning 70.

Me, my parents and my siblings attended. My uncle and auntie and my cousins attended. My other uncle and his girlfriend attended. And of course, my grandparents attended.
We went to a beefeater restaurant called the Malta Inn, which is in Maidstone.  We've been there before for some family meals and we have never had a problem with the place. And this time we still didn't have any problems. The waitress that served us was very friendly, and was very grateful for the tip we gave her. Or I should say my grandad and my dad gave her.

I played it safe and had some garlic bread for starter, I had rump steak for main meal, for dessert I had a rocky road sundae and for drink I had some WKD. I am allowed it. I'm 16 - 17 in a week - and there were adults there. I was allowed a glass of WKD. Blue WKD to be specific.

For my Grandads 70th Birthday last year, we went out for a meal and gave him a little book full of memories and pictures. Me, the siblings and the cousins wrote little memories of Grandad over the years and add them to the book. Well we did a similar thing for Nan this year. Instead of giving her a memory book, we gave her a memory box. My Auntie had us all write little memories of Nan over the years and she placed them in the box along with a few photos.

I thought it was a great idea to do a memory box or a memory book for people on their birthday as it isn't expensive to do if you do it yourself, and also it's nice to reminisce on old memories.
This little idea made me realise how many amazing memories we have all had together. It's always great to laugh back on old memories with friends, but personally, I think it's better to laugh back on old memories with family.

I had a great time at the meal.
Still stuffed after the great food that I consumed.
I hope that my friends/family make me a memory book or box for my 70th birthday.
I would be internally grateful if they did.
But I've got a while to go yet.


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